References & Notes                                                                         p. 88

The figures presented here were cobbled together and modified over the years, first as overhead transparencies then as computer images. Early influences were: D. Halliday & R. Resnik (1960) Physics: For Students of Science and Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons; R.S. Longhurst (1957) Geometrical and Physical Optics, London: Longmans; R.H. Woodworth & H. Schlosberg (1954) Experimental Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; C.H. Graham (Ed.) (1965)Vision and Visual Perception, New York: John Wiley & Sons; and T.N. Cornsweet (1970) Visual Perception, New York: Academic Press. More specifically to this essay are the following references along with notes:
  1. p. 1 Dirac, P. (1930) The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, Preface.
  2. p. 3 Black-body Radiation, Wikipedia,
  3. p. 10 This drag is analogous to what happens as waves approach a shore. When the depth decreases to half their wavelength, the bottom of the wave slows while the top keeps going. Thereupon the top tips over.
  4. p. 10 As illustrated by this figure, the longer wavelength is near the edge for a longer time. Subject to more drag, it bends more:image
  5. p. 38 A.C. Crombie (1964) Early concepts of the senses and the mind. Scienctific American, May, reprint 184.
  6. p. 39 & 68 See Polyak, S. (1957) The Vertebrate Visual System. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  7. p. 41 Buonanno, M.; Welch, D.; Shuryak, I. & Brenner, D.J. (2020) Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human corona viruses. Nature, 10:10285 67211-2 . See also David Brenner’s TED Talk: 11 August 2020, Can light stop the coronavirus?
  8. p. 42 Figure modified from Van Roozendael M (2016) Remote sensing of atmospheric composition. European Space Agency,
  9. p. 44 Brown, SC (1979) Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford. Cambridge: MIT Press. Thompson B (1794) An account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies. Proceedings of the Royal Society, IX, 67-106. Thompson did not invent this method of measuring light. Though not cited, he surely knew about the method from Pierre Bouguer’s 1729 treatise on its use to measure the decrease in light by transmission through air. Middleton W.E.K. (1971) The beginnings of photometry. Applied Optics, 12, 2592-2594.
  10. p. 51 Figure modified from: Wagner, G. & Boynton, R.M. (1972) Comparison of four methods of heterochromatic matching. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 62, 1508-1515, Figure 9.
  11. p. 51 & 52 CIE (2004) Photometry The CIE System of Physical Photometry, CIE S 010/E:2004, Vienna: Central Bureau of the International Commission on Illumination., US$70 (PDF download available). Lists of the correction factors by wavelength are available in various sources, e.g. Wyszecki, G. & Stiles, W.S. (1982) Color Science 2nd Ed., New York: Wiley.
  12. p. 52 Figure modified from: Hood, D.C. & Finkelstein, M.A. (1986) Chapter 5, Sensitivity to light. In Handbook of Perception and Human Performance; Volume I, Sensory Processes and Perception, K.R. Boff, L. Kaufman & J.P. Thomas (Eds.), Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, -p. 5-1 to 5-6, Figure 5.9, p. 5-10.
  13. p. 52 CIE (2016) The Use of Terms and Units in Photometry: Implementation of the CIE System for Mesopic Photometry. CIE TN 004:2016, Vienna: Central Bureau of the International Commission on Illumination.
  14. p. 56 It is an amazing story. First read: Jerison H.J. (1991) Brain Size and the Evolution of Mind. American Museum of Natural History, New York; then: Bowmaker, J.K. (1998) Evolution of colour vision in vertebrates. Eye, 12, 541-547.
  15. p. 57 Figure modified from Wald G (1964) The receptors of human color vision. Science, 145, 1007-1017.
  16. p. 57 & 73 The wavelength discrimination function is from Nilsson T.H. (2020) What came out of visual memory: Inferences from decay of difference-thresholds. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82, 2963- 2984.
  17. p. 58 Nilsson, T.H. (1972) Effects of pulse rate and pulse duration on hue of monochromatic stimuli. Vision Research, 12, 697-712.
  18. p. 63 Apple tree picture is from a Home Depot web page:
  19. p. 63 & 82 An introductory university text on perception (see the Epilogue) is a good start. Kaiser, P.K. & Boynton’s, R.M. (1996) Human Color Vision. 2nd Ed., Washington, D.C.: Optical Society of America, has been the authoritative technical source.
  20. p. 63 For a look at artistic possibilities of just hue, see Quiller, S. (1989) Color Choices, New York: Watson-Guptill.
  21. p. 64 Ingle, D.J. (1985) The goldfish as a retinex animal. Science, 227, 8 Feb., 651-654.. Fish also don’t want to misjudge the presence of predators and food as light changes with time of day or the weather.
  22. p. 67 Nilsson, T.H. (2001) Evaluation of target acquisition difficulty using distance to measure required retinal area. Optical Engineering, 40, 1827-1834.
  23. p. 70 The hologram in the figure is not of the pictured retinal image. It just illustrates the principle.
  24. p. 71 Blakemore, C. & Campbell, F.W. (1969) On the existence of neurones in the human visual system selectively sensitive to the orientation and size of retinal images. Journal of Physiology, 203, 237-260.
  25. p. 72 Pribram, K.H. (1990) Brain and Perception. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  26. p. 73 For example: Jibu, M.; Pribram, K.H. & Yasue, K. (1996) From conscious experience to memory: Storage and return of quantum brain dynamics and boson condensation. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 10, 1735-1754.
  27. p. 73 Lashley K.S.; Chow, K.L. & Semmes, J. (1951) An examination of the electrical field theory of cerebral integration. Psychological Review, 58, (2) 123-136.
  28. p. 73 Graham, N. V.S. (1989 Neurophysiology and psychophysics. In Visual Pattern Analyzers , Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.3-34.
  29. p. 75 & 79 Figures modified from: Nilsson, TH (1983) Incident photometry: specifying stimuli for vision and light detectors. Applied Optics, 22, 3457-3464,Table 1, p. 3460.
  30. p. 81 & 85 Nilsson, T.H. (2009) Photometric specification of images. Journal of Modern Optics, 56, 1523- 1535.
  31. p. 83 Long, W.F. & Woo, G.C.S. (1980) Measuring light levels with photographic meters. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 57, 51-55.
  32. p. 85 Figure modified from: Instruments Systems, LumiCam 2400B brochure – https://www.instrument


Glance at the Dance of Photons Copyright © 2022 by Thomy Nilsson. All Rights Reserved.

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