
Much like the plants we find ourselves needing to water, the Arts Review requires time and care from many sources. To our incredible contributors, thank you for nourishing this project with your wonderful thoughts and artistry.

Words cannot describe the importance of the editorial team—Ally Felix, Dominique LaPierre, Claire MacPhee, Sophia Saad, and Jack Wallace—in cultivating this volume. Thank you for your time, patience, and flexibility in allowing this volume to grow as it has.

To Jarmo Puiras, many thanks for being a constant supporter, sounding board, and voice of reason. Much like the sun, you oversee all, and even when not visible—as on cloudy days—we are aware of your presence.

Thanks to everyone at Robertson Library for their interest and financial support, and to Wendy Henderson at Central Printing, without whom we wouldn’t be able to produce and share this incredible volume of student talent.

As we find ourselves adjusting and readjusting back to what can hopefully be called “normal,” we thank you all for taking the time to support this project. With it, we hope you’ll take us along as you determine which plants you wish to water.


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