Part II Accommodation, Disclosure, Legal Rights and Obligations

8 Types of Accommodations

There are a number of options available for an employer to accommodate an employee with a disability depending on the unique circumstances of each situation. The following chart provides examples of some specific disabilities and possible accommodations that may be utilized:


Disability Possible Accommodations
Visual impairment - Text-to-speech software
- Alternate formats of print materials
- Magnifiers or CCTVs
Chronic back pain - Ergonomic chair
- Sit to stand desk
- Back roll for chairs
Wheelchair use - Modify the physical work space to make it
more accessible
- Provide wheelchair ramps
- Provide accessible washrooms
Autism Spectrum Disorder - Providing questions for an interview in
- Allowing them to have an attendant to
help with communication and emotional
Hearing impairment - FM System
- Closed captioning
- Providing notes or note taking support
Anxiety Disorder - Flexible work schedules
- Frequent breaks
- Pre recorded presentations
Walks unsteadily/with difficulty - Ensure accessible access to the building and
work space
- Grab bars in hallways, work spaces,
bathrooms, etc.

Refer to Appendix B for a more detailed list of possible accommodations.


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Transition to Employment: A Guide for Supporting Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities Copyright © 2021 by UPEI Career Services and UPEI Accessibility Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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