Part II Accommodation, Disclosure, Legal Rights and Obligations

7 Accommodation, Disclosure, Legal Rights and Obligations

Accommodation in the Workplace[1]

Students may find it to be the case that their requires some sort of in the workplace. Accommodations involve a change to the work environment or your duties in order for you to successfully carry out your job (PEI HRC, 2016b; Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2013).

Essentially, if an employee has a disability or develops a disability during the course of employment that requires accommodation, their employer must provide reasonable accommodations in order for them to remain in their position.




  1. This section will refer to the procedures in place in the province of Prince Edward Island under the PEI Human Rights Act. However, the legal requirements of the duty to accommodate are similar across Canada, and also widely recognized in the United States (WorkSafeNB, 2013).


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Transition to Employment: A Guide for Supporting Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities Copyright © 2021 by UPEI Career Services and UPEI Accessibility Services is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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