Part 3: Sustainability Issues in Planetary Health

Chapters In this Section

  • Food Security
  • Water Security
  • Anti Microbial Resistance
  • Sustainable Healthcare

What is food safety (what is the role of anti-microbial resistance)?
What is the relationship to human health? (acute and chronic)
Physical, mental, and social implications

Sustainability Issues in Climate Change and the need to recognize climate justice

As noted by Porter, Rickards, Verlie, and Bosomworth, et al (2020) Climate justice should be viewed as a framework that highlights the intersection between climate change and the way social inequalities are experienced as structural violence.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, stated, “As is always the case, the poor and vulnerable are the first to suffer and the worst hit.” Climate change will not be borne fairly or equally between rich and poor, women and men, and older and younger generations. On March 2019, former President of Ireland Mary Robinson stated that “we have begun to understand the intergenerational injustice of climate change.”
The University of British Columbia identifies the need to protect the human rights of those most vulnerable to its effects and a shift to protecting the human rights of the most vulnerable.


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