Planetary Healthcare Pressbook Status Table

The following table outlines the status of the Planetary Health Pressbook as of the date indicated at the bottom of the document.  Presenting the table in this way will enable authors to remain current with the developmental process.

Status of the Planetary Health Pressbook
History: July 29, 2022


Chapter Name Section Status Editorial Comments
1. Understanding Planetary Health — Sharing Space in the Biosphere Grynszpan, D., & Montelpare, W. All Sections Penultimate Draft Referencing format to be updated.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
2. One Health: i) What is One Health?  ii) Animal models in Human Disease and Medical research Ojha, S. & Kao, K. Penultimate Draft
rec’d July 29, 2022
Referencing format to be updated.

Final edits to be completed.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.Working draft. PPT slides rec’d July 29, 2022. Power point text to be converted to prose format

3. Defining ECO-Health Sarkar, A., & Atkinson, S., Penultimate Draft rec’d July 29,2022 Final edits to be completed. Update and edit figures for main body of text.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
4. Climate Change Wang, X., Kinay, P., Farooque, A. All sections Penultimate Draft rec’d July 29,2022 Final edits to be completed. Update and edit figures for main body of text.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
5. Food and Water Security and Climate Change: I) AMR and Food Safety
ii) Calamities
iii) Food Security
iv) Water Security
Daley, P., Sarkar, A., & Wahl, M. Update and edit figures for main body of text.
Final edits to be completed.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
6. Planetary Health and Infectious diseases  Grynszpan, D., & Russell, R., All sections Awaiting draft of work completed to date.
Final edits to be completed.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
7. Understanding the interface between humans and animals-           i) Human interaction with wildlife   ii) Loss of Biodiversity
iii) Human interaction with companion animals
iv) Human interaction with food production animals v)Anti-microbial resistance)
Cusack, L., Hurnik, D., Kao, K., & McDuffee, L.

6. Planetary Health and Infectious diseases Grynszpan, D., & Russell, R., All sections I) No draft or material rec’d July 29, 2022

Comments: Awaiting draft of work completed to date.
Final edits to be completed.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
7. Understanding the interface between humans and animals Cusack, L., Hurnik, D., Kao, K., & McDuffee, L. -Human interaction with wildlife
–Loss of Biodiversity
-Human interaction with companion animals
-Human interaction with food production animals –Anti-microbial resistance
*Waiting for information on wildlife
-ppts rec’d for loss of biodiversity
***Human interaction with companion animals is penultimate draft
****awaiting feedback from food production author July 29, 2022

Comments: Power point text to be converted to prose format.
Recently recruited author and expecting to receive sections from Wildlife by end of the year.
Recently recruited author, expecting to receive sections for food animal production during the Fall term.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
8. Human development and health from a planetary health perspective Grynszpan, D., Kao, K., & Montelpare, W.
Introduction section added. Section on the Exposomes to be expanded Wm to edit and connect with co-authors July 29, 2022

Comments: Power point text to be converted to prose format.
Authors need to meet to discuss the content of this chapter.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added.
9. Sustainable Healthcare Delivery Campbell, A., & Reshef-Kalogirou, M., All sections google doc received Converting to Pressbook (WJM) July 29, 2022
Please add the practical aspects – for example how does one set up a green clinic?
Comment: Alyson and Maya to provide title for columns in Table 1.
Update and edit figures for the main body of the text.
Final edits to be completed.
Images and videos along with supplemental materials to be added
10. Climate Change and mental health Netten, A., & Fenech, A., July 29, 2022

Comments: Anticipating receiving learner outcomes and keywords by September 1.
Recently recruited author and expecting to receive sections by the end of the year


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