Bibliography Chapter 1

All referencing in this text will follow the Vancouver Style also known as the AMA format. This style uses a number format in the order that the citation appears in the text. The structure is presented here:

[#]  Author Last Name Author First Initial Author Middle Initial. Article Title. Journal Title. Published Date; Volume(Issue): Pages. Followed by the DOI if available.

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3.Steffan, Crutzen, and McNeill (2007)

4. May, 2011

5. (Whitmee, Haines, Beyrer, Boltz, et al, 2015)

6. Basso and Krpan, 2022)


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11. Kovats and Akhtari (2008)

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17. Jones et al 2008,

18. Han, Schimdt, Bowden, and Drake (2015)

19. O’Callaghan-Gordo and Antó (2020)

20. WHO Report on COVID-19. Downloaded February 10, 2021


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