Feminine Rage

Isabella Bradley

It is bared teeth

Fists clenched as juice drips down her knuckles

Fragrant and rich and red

Pouring endlessly from the wounds her nails create.


It is gasping.


It is claws tearing up her throat

Hands gripping and shaking her lungs

Fingerprints burning into her skin.


It is years of oppression.


It is his hand pushing her head under the waves

Forcing salt water into her lungs

Just so he can breathe.


It is ruthless.


It is a tongue that has bled too many times

Teeth piercing it like gates

Restraining the beast that is her voice.


It is unhinged.


It is tears of rage

Oceans erupting from her throat

Beyond her control.


It is condemnation.


It is persecuting her

For the same actions he commits

Without blinking an eye.


It is relentless.


It is years of anger

Years of shoving down emotions

That never felt the breath of air.


It is disobedience.


It is releasing this anger

Like the beast from a cave

Slashing away chains

And whispering

‘Be free.’


That is feminine rage.


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Phylum Copyright © 2023 by Isabella Bradley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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